Storytime at the Creek

Storytime at the Creek

Mill Creek is offering Storytime at the Creek as a brief midweek time for parents to bring their young children (ages 1-5) to listen to age-appropriate stories from popular story books. There will also be snacks provided and a craft for the kids to do.

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Men's Study - Living for Christ in the Workplace

Men's Study - Living for Christ in the Workplace

Faith is personal, and sometimes we believe we should keep it private. We can be tempted to tuck Jesus into a Sunday-shaped box. But our relationship with God influences us in each moment, each relationship, each decision—and on the job. Our faith is meant to go with us through the office door so that Jesus shines through us even there.

Join former NFL hall of fame coach Tony Dungy and award-winning sportscaster James Brown in this four-session study as they explore the dynamics of living out our faith in a holistic way. Jesus doesn't just belong at church. He's called us to take him with us everywhere, including work.

Please invite someone you know to come join us.

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